Friday, October 29, 2010


Its being touted as the "Motion Picture Event of A Generation", and yeah, it does have that effect on me. The Finale of the worldwide phenomenon, that magical music still has that magic which makes me feel like a 11 year old who came out of the book store ages ago, holding his copy of the first book in the series, ready to get hooked and grow up with it.

It’s been more than a decade now.

It burst open the scene, caught the imagination of an entire generation and became a phenomenon. Around the world, parents rejoiced, as they saw their young ones genuinely hooked to reading for the first time.

And then the roller-coaster ride came to an end, in a way, on 21st July 2007.

It’s been three years since then, and it never struck most of us. But maybe now, with the impending release of the last two movies within 7 months of each other, I guess the reality will hit us hard on the face.. It is really over, after all.

Looking back at all those years, I do feel nostalgic. (I know some people will lambast me for publicizing Harry Potter, but lets face it, I grew up with it.. it’s been my first love) anyway, I do feel nostalgic. Feeling the strange sensation of triumph and excitement as Harry helped his house win the Quidditch Cup in his 3rd year. The sense of pity when introduced to the tortured soul of Sirius Black (most would agree he was their favorite.) feeling the dread as a resurrected Lord Voldemort rose out of the cauldron in a spooky graveyard. Reading up the epic battle between the Dark Lord and Dumbledore in the bowels of the Ministry.

Yeah, the series has had lots of defining moments, but for me, nothing has been greater than the moment where Snape killed Dumbledore..

It’s been an interesting journey. More than anything, I believe it has inspired legions of children to cultivate their imagination. It has been an amazing guide in the path of self-discovery. It certainly pushed me towards writing. I remember writing my first short story around 6 years back, imaginatively titled Emilo Esparda and the Sword of Life, an unimaginative copy of my inspiration. But, what has been so special in this fantasy story for children which made it a cult? I believe JKR deserves a special mention here. It’s been here writing style- electrifying, detailed, mesmerizing. You just can’t keep the book down once you start with it. how many people I know off who were back in the bookstores days after buying their copy of Philosopher’s Stone to grab their copy of Chamber of Secrets.

JKR has an uncanny ability to keep you hooked, thinking about what will happen next. You keep on trying to guess who the villain will turn out to be as she subtly fits in various pieces of a great jigsaw puzzle to give you totally unexpected. And then it hits you, Yeah!! Why didn’t I think of this?? Truly, that lady is a genius.

I know, umpteen no. of fictions are released every other day, some go on to catch attention and become international best-sellers.. but amongst them all, for years to come, one name will always emerge on top, probably denied the place of an epic just because another man long before wrote Lord of the Rings. But, we can leave that out. Harry Potter has been a true masterclass..

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